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Халиуллина Лилия Шамилевна1933
работаю в школе учителем английского языка. Стаж 30 лет
Россия, Башкирская респ., Туймазы
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя английского языка»

Предлагаю Вашему вниманию разработанный мною сценарий выступления команды девочек « на конкурсе, посвященном году Кино.

- Hello, everybody!

- All known faces!

- We are glad to see you!

- Two things unite us today.

- We all speak English and we talk about the world cinematography.

- Oh! It’s the magic world of cinema!

- There are a lot of traditions, brilliant actors and actresses, directors…..

- A lot of things to be proud of.

- Look! Here is a letter.

- ( Hello! I’m your aunt.

- Hello! ( together)

- Who?

- We, Harry Potter’s girlfriends.

- Where?

- In Tuimazy.

- Only here!

- Right now!

- The meeting place can’t be changed.

- When?

- Only today!

- Right now!

- Why?

- We can’t live when living is without films!

- Post scriptum. Ivan Vasilievich changes his occupation.

- Oh! It’s very interesting!

- And I think this aunt is really burnt by the sun.

- She is very funny.

- To my mind, it’s a mystery….

- No, it’s true. Because 2016 is named the year of Russian cinema.

- On the year of Russian films

Don’t be sad!

Watch your favourite film

On TV or in the net.

You’ ll never regret

And never forget,

Cause watching films

Make fly your dreams.

- But what about the world cinematography?

- It was in 1895 when the French Lumiere brothers showed their first film in public.

- We are grateful to them!

- Our dreams came true!

(Song ) I wanna watch a film today.

I have to know you want or not.

Don’t worry, be happy!

In every life we have some choice,

A Russian film to watch or not.

Don’t worry, be happy!

But I’m mad with Hollywood,

You may agree with me or not.

Don’t worry, be happy!

And Harry Potter is my friend,

He is the best, I know that….

Don’t worry, be happy!

We can watch our favorite films.

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone”

“Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets”

“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”

“Harry Potter and the goblet of fire”

“Harry Potter and the order of Phoenix”

“Harry Potter and Half- blood Prince”

“Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows”

Films about Harry Potter are the best!

They teach us real friendship and kindness.

They are really worth seeing!

But we have to go now…

We promised our friend Harry to find the Philosopher stone.

We’ll be back.

Опубликовано в группе «Учителя английского языка»

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